********** Yoshinori Ishii Executive chef of Japanese restaurant UMU in London ******************

------------------ 英国の日本料理店 UMU 総料理長 石井義典 のつれづれなる話 ------------

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Icelandic Sea Urchin アイスランドの活雲丹

 As winter deepens, fresh sea urchin starts to arrive from Iceland, its size is fuller now than prior season due to decrease in temperature. Despite the big package it arrives in, the size of actual urchin reduces after the complicated preparation, however, because of its refreshing flavour and sweetness, Icelandic sea urchin is still favoured over the bigger sized sea urchin that arrives already cleaned and  in packs from U.S. and Canada by air. The flavour of the urchin vary, using that as an excuse I enjoy  tasting them as I open the shells.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Flower arrangement 花を生けています。

Flower for UMU Christmas
Once on my way back from fishing, I saw this charming flower on side walk, I was so fascinated by it that I could not help myself but to bring it back to a flower artist who was then arranging flower for Kiccho, a restaurant in Kyoto where I spent years training as a chef. I had no knowledge about flowers until then, but when I saw how the flower artist lit up by the simple flower I brought, I became drawn to the world of flower arrangement and I started to try learning by assisting her. Her style of arrangement was famous for its naturalness and many audiences made similar comments that “the flowers bring a refreshing breeze into the room”. Having to be able to practice in such a privileged position, I was taught how to cherish and bring out each flower’s individuality, but in an unobtrusive way, and on a few occasions, I was given the chance to decorate in the main room. At Kiccho, alongside chef training and ceramic art, I enjoyed picking rare wild flowers and cultivating my own in my spare time. At Umu, I do flower arrangements myself, aiming to provide a great ambience to accompany the food, it is a shame I cannot go pick suitable wild flowers with my own hands like I used to, due to geographical difficulties. Selection of flowers, style of arrangement, environment and culture, in the atmosphere where all of the above is diverse, I am trying my best to provide a great Umu experience to every  guest.
Recently, the staff in flower shop nearby have begun to understand my taste in flowers, I am hoping that it will help create the arrangements with more varieties of seasonal flowers.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Game season ジビエの季節です

In Japan, duck, dear and boar start to circulate in autumn as the hunting season opens, but foodies await the arrival of this season more in Europe where venison and hunting culture are more prevalent. Despite the decrease in the numbers of venison in most countries, due to a rapid increase in market needs and indiscriminate hunting, it is much more sustainable in Britain due to the Game Act of 1831. Also benefitting from the geographical character and the fact that hunting developed as gentlemen’s sport for the royalty and aristocrats, the wild animals still appear in strong numbers and they can be seen even just outside London. Therefore getting good venison as ingredients is comparatively easy over here and truthfully, richer in variety. For example I have used for my menus this year a variable feast of quail, pheasant, duck, pigeon, boar, rabbit and dear, just to name a few, and also a snow grouse which is a protected animal in Japan, and I am considering using woodcock in our future menus.

When I first encountered venison, cooked by locals in Geneva, the very first European city I lived in, I could not resist incorporating them into my cooking immediately. I realised that the locals’ attitude towards their culinary culture is not unlike how Japanese respect and preserve the culture of eating different fishes according to seasons.

This type of dish is called “game” in English and that is how we call it  in our English menu at the restaurant, however for the Japanese menu, I felt a nuance might be lost in a literal translation. Then I came up with the idea of picking Japanese letters phonetically according to a French word “gibier” and create a new word specially for the menu (the pronunciation of the still same as “gibier”). The Japanese characters I picked represent the meaning of; “By the arrival of winter and the ground gets colder, the nature prepares for such weather and every aspects of it become fuller in flavour”. The arrangement of words was a little pushy, but at the end I quite like it.

I want to grill lightly by charcoal like Japanese kind but for building structural reason, the method is not an option in Umu, so instead we finish the dish roasted or slow cooked. As for sauces and sides, we use variety of mushrooms and nuts to create classic style, and roots vegetables for seasonal taste as they become sweeter and more suitable by the arrival of winter.


Thursday, 8 December 2011

Me and Ceramic Art 陶芸を再開しました

                     My hand made ceramics in Japan and Switzerland
As an executive chef, monitoring and improving the quality of foods and services the team provide at the restaurant are always priority and in process on daily-basis, however on the contrary, renewing the tableware was something I havent been able to proceed to next step, even though it was always in my mind.
Up until now, we have been using the tableware the former head chef selected, dishes specially made for dainty Japanese Kappou style course menu and also works of local ceramists. All the while I kept trying to figure out what is most suitable for unison of culinary experience of my food and British atmosphere, and finally I came to the conclusion that; I have to create them by myself
I started to develop my interest towards ceramic art almost at the same time as I began aspiring to become a chef in my early 20s, since then I have self-taught myself and visited quite few places well-known for authentic pottery in Japan. In order to learn different varieties, it is important to see with my own eyes as a character of Japanese pottery completely varies depending on location. Most of my works I have done then, with helps with ceramists I had pleasure of knowing, are now in my old home back in Japan, but I still carry some of them with me, even here in London.
In Britain, gathering ingredients and accomplishing all the processes by myself are almost impossible to achieve, needless to say how reckless to even think of fitting a kiln into my itsy-bitsy apartment, and not to let my main role as a head chef be compromised over this, again I will have to have pleasure of working with other ceramists who kindly offered to help. After many discussions and trials and errors, I am certain that we will achieve something astonishing, and I would like to start first trial with British clays and porcelains of Limoges. I already cannot wait to meet them.


Monday, 5 December 2011

Pursuing ultimate Japanese restaurant outside of Japan 自己紹介

Time does fly, it has already been 1 year and 4 months since I set my foot in this city, London, Great Britain
Despite the fact that I started my new life out of blue as a head chef at Umu, Japanese restaurant at centre of London, even leaving my wife behind in New York, days in this unfamiliar city go by in a blink. By setting Kaiseki style as a core of the menu, a type of Japanese course menu originally created for traditional tea ceremony which I studied back in Kyoto, Japanese culinary culture and its uniqueness became more obvious to me comparing to British one, and at the same time, I am given an opportunity to learn about local ingredients, their origins and culture at very first hand. 
There are certainly many surprises I have never imagined encountering back in Japan, but there is also so much joy I could only know by living in abroad. This year, the total years I spent being a chef outside Japan became longer the years I spent in Japan training to become one. And yet, every day is still full of brand-new discoveries. I would like to start this blog to record and share my day to day experience as a head chef at Umu, here in London.



Mayfareの中心、Bond streetの脇の小道を入ったところにある隠れ家のようなお店です。
Profile  Yoshinori Ishii
August 2010-Present
Executive Chef at Restaurant UMU (One Michelin star)

April 2006 – April 2010
Omakase chef at Morimoto Restaurant in New York
Responsible for Chef Specialty Course

January 2005 - July 2005
Studied organic farm at Higuchi organic farm in Kyoto    

August 1999 - December 2004  
Head Chef at Japanese Embassy for United Nation
                            August 1999-August 2002              Geneva, Switzerland
                            August 2002 –December 2004    New York, USA

 November 1998 – July 1999
Visiting chef and landscape designer of Takeuchi Seiho Museum.

March 1990-November 1998  
The Arashiyama main restaurant of Kyoto Kitcho Co., Ltd. (Three Michelin star)

April 1889 - March 1990      
The Osaka Abeno Tsuji Culinary School


1990年 大阪あべの辻調理師専門学校卒業
1998年 吉兆退社後、英語を学びながら竹内栖鳳美術館で庭師をし、出張料理も手がける。
1999年 スイスのジュネーブにある国連大使公邸料理長として渡欧。三年後、同大使と共にニューヨークの国連大使公邸で更に三年間、国賓をもてなす晩餐会の料理を担当する。
2005年 大使の帰国と同時期に京都時代の恩師の一人である樋口正孝氏(農家)のけがを知り、約半年間、鷹が峰の同氏の農園を手伝う。
2006年 ニューヨークのMORIMOTOレストランにて、特別コース料理を担当。“Rising star chef”など、数々の賞を受  賞。
2010年 スイス時代の友人を介し、英国Londonの日本料理店“UMU”の総料理長となり、現在に至る。