London opened up an another opportunity for me and
allowed me to get to know Mr. Dai, a chief of smoked goods merchant (i.e.
salmon, eel, etc.) and also a supervisory figure among a group of fishermen specialising in elver
fishing – a type of young eel I had been searching for quite some time to
acquire. I made a detour on my way home from
Cornwall and stayed in Ross-on-Wye, a small but deeply historical town located
on River Wye in Herefordshire. During daytime, I have enjoyed fishing Atlantic
salmon and trout at beats of River Wye owned by Mr. Dai, while experiencing and
observing Britain’s traditional elver fishing at night before its season comes
to an end.
Mr. Dai’s facility attracts significant number of
licensed fishermen to bring in captured elvers one after another throughout the
night, which then will be temporarily gathered in a large-scale vessel designed
for its exclusive use. Eel is already aged two by the time it finishes travelling
a river upstream, nonetheless it will not have fed on bait and survives the
long journey by obtaining sufficient energy from nutrition stored in its stomach
since it was a larva. The captured
elvers are, then, accustomed to be fed cod roe within the vessel before being transferred to farming
facilities located all over Europe.
Additionally I was filled by a sense of satisfaction
for being able to land an Atlantic salmon for the first time in my personal fishing
life. Again, I would like to thank everyone I had met during this amazing trip.
以前から私が探し続けていたElvers,シラス鰻漁をしている漁師の取りまとめ役であり、サーモンや鰻などの燻製を作っている業者の親分であるDai氏とロンドンで知り合い、Cornwallからの帰る途中、Ross on WyeというWye川沿いにある歴史的街に滞在し、日中はDai氏の所有するWye川のビートでアトランティックサーモンや鱒釣り、夜中にシーズン終了間直の英国の伝統的なElversフィッシングを見に行きました。