********** Yoshinori Ishii Executive chef of Japanese restaurant UMU in London ******************

------------------ 英国の日本料理店 UMU 総料理長 石井義典 のつれづれなる話 ------------

Saturday, 9 November 2013

2nd pop up restaurant in Frieze Master 2013

 Following last year, Frieze Masters art fair was held at Regent’s Park once again and Umu has also successfully showcased pop-up restaurant for the second time within its site. The preparation had begun few months back, and this time around, a team of apprentices took initiatives and showed potential leadership, which led us to great prosperity. To acquire fish of the same standard of quality as those used at the restaurant daily, but doubled or tripled in quantity, was not only difficult but, combined with the unfortunate weather from the middle of the week, became an almost impossible request for the fishermen to meet. However, by the supports from many, we have overcome these 6 days soundly and with huge accomplishments.
I would like to thank again, as I had also expressed in the previous year, to producers& merchants who continue to support us on daily basis, staff of Marc restaurant who flexibly familiarized themselves with serving Japanese cuisine in an also unfamiliar setting, and finally, Umu staff who, by cooperating with one another, carried out hard work at both the pop-up site and the restaurant. Thank you. 

 昨年に引き続き、Frieze Master art fair Regent Parkにて行われ、UMUにとって二度目となるポップアップレストランが終了しました。数ヶ月前から準備を始めましたが、今年は二度目だけあって若手のチームが率先してリーダーシップを発揮し、大盛況に終わりました。Mayfairのお店で使われている魚と全く同じレベルのものを普段の数倍の量揃えるのは大変で、さらに週の半ばからの悪天候になって漁師の方には無理を言いましたが、多くの方の協力もあって無事6日間が終了しました。
 いつもご協力いただいている生産者、業者の方々、初めての日本料理のサービスを、初めての場所で臨機応変に手伝ってくれたMarc restaurantのスタッフ、そしてお店とポップアップレストランの両方を掛け持ちで協力し合ってくれたUMUの全てのスタッフに感謝、感謝の1週間でした。