Not too long
ago, our supplier for eel fry and wild Atlantic salmon, Dai, had taken me to
see authentic Welsh fishing as well as elver fishing at The River Severn. My
wish to also see traditional salmon fishing at his turf – the River Severn –
ever since our conversation in his car has finally come true.
My guide
this time around was Horace Cook, a father of Richard, CEO of Severn & Wye
Smokery, where Dai acts as an ambassador. Since the foundation of the company,
Richard and him have predominantly dealt locally caught salmon and eel fry as
well as those caught in Wales or suburbs of Bristol, cities with good
transporting connection to Gloucester where the company situates. While the
main focus is to produce smoked products from eel or salmon, their business is
highly diversified, extends to being a fishmonger, a restaurateur and farming
eel fry. There’s also a successful project, which we were lucky enough to
participate once, to use hands of local kids to release farmed eel elvers into
a lake in Wales every year, where the specie is already extinct. All drainage,
a byproduct of a processing plant, is sprinkled at the company’s farm,
encouraging healthy and rapid growth of pasture, allowing 4 harvests a year.
A method
used in salmon fishing is called putcher fishing; cone-shaped baskets are set
between stakes placed 20 meters from the shoulder of the river, facing upper
stream. Salmon, before heading upstream, hovers in brackish water zone for some
time, in order to familiarise and become able to shift from seawater to fresh
water. A head of salmon is trapped in the cone-shaped basket as it enters the
contrived device while swimming downwards to the sea along powerful oceanic
current, simply becomes unable to exit due to heavy force generated by stream
from behind.
A legend or
a folklore regarding salmon exists everywhere and always a delight to
encounter. Contemporary version of the putcher fishing’s basket is metallic, as
oppose to an original basket made out of twigs of indigenous plants of Britain
picked from the hedge. By tracing back the family-line of current fishermen, a
data will prove the ancestors fished at exact same spot as far back as 400
years ago, and a record also shows this particular fishing tradition dates back
to the Roman era.
Horace says
the current Salmon fishing licence at the River Severn given by the British
authority only retains its validity until the end of this generation and will
not be passed on to the next. Dai regularly mentions overall numbers of
upstreaming salmon in the river almost reaching the standard of old days, as
well as natural resource is recovering in good rate. It is saddening that,
nonetheless, a tradition with hundreds of years of history will be lost, in the
good name of pro-environmental movement.
鮭漁の仕掛けはPutcher fishingと呼ばれ、バスケットと呼ばれる円錐形の籠が川岸から約20mほどの間に立てられた杭の間に複数上流を向けて備え付けられていました。鮭は川に登る前に汽水域でしばらくの間少しずつ海水から淡水に体をなじませるために行ったりきたりするそうですが、強い海流と共に海に下る最中ににその仕掛けの中に体が入ると円錐形の籠に頭をとられ、後方からの流れに押されて逃げ出すことができなくなるようになっているという極めてシンプルなものでした。
Horace 氏の話では現在、英国の政府から与えられているSevern川での鮭漁のライセンスは今の漁師の代で最後となり、次の世代には受け継がれないそうです。Dai氏にいつも聞いていますが川全体の鮭の遡上数は昔の水準まで戻ってきており、資源は回復しているにもかかわらず、環境保護などの観点から折角何百年も続いた伝統を絶やすことは悲しいことです。