********** Yoshinori Ishii Executive chef of Japanese restaurant UMU in London ******************

------------------ 英国の日本料理店 UMU 総料理長 石井義典 のつれづれなる話 ------------

Friday, 8 August 2014

Real Japanese Wagyu Arrive! 日本産和牛輸入解禁!

Until now, an importation of foreign meat was nonexistent, due to strict regulations casted upon based on EU standards, including on Japanese ingredients. However, an importation of Japanese wagyu beef was just made available, and since the preparation period, as one of the Japanese culinary expart based in the Britain, had myself involved in the project upon requests from several organisations. Consequently, the Japanese wagyu beef finally came on to our menu at UMU, and the feedbacks have been more than satisfactory so far.

A short while back, a press release event was held at the residence of Japanese Ambassador, also served as an introductory party to domestic culinary professionals. Chefs from the MARC company had teamed up with the resident chef to prepare a menu to match the remarkable occasion. Presitigious steak cooked just right by the resident chef, carpaccio by the company's French restaurant "Greeenhouse" team, a roast beef by chefs from the members' club Morton's and beef tataki prepared by the UMU team including myself; the event concluded with great outcomes.

The obstacless that have to be cleared in order to create stable demands for the Japanese wagyu are still piling up; red meat serving as the mainstream within Europe culture, marking distinction from foreign branded beefs, unstable thus unreliable exportation from the producers’ side, and competitions between production districts, to name a few. Nonetheless, the ultimate hurdle that matters to me the most, to create a rejoicing experience for guests, has surely been cleared already.


先日、現地のプレスリリースと飲食関係者への紹介を兼ねて大使公邸でイベントがあり、当社の複数のレストランが大使公邸の料理人さんと共同で和牛料理を作ってきました。公邸料理人さんによるステーキ、フレンチレストラン“Green house”によるカルパッチョ、会員制クラブ“Morton”によるローストビーフ、当店UMUによるタタキなど、大盛況のうちに終わりました。
