********** Yoshinori Ishii Executive chef of Japanese restaurant UMU in London ******************

------------------ 英国の日本料理店 UMU 総料理長 石井義典 のつれづれなる話 ------------

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Chef`s Journey through British fishery in Cornwall Vol.2 活けジメを伝えにCornwallへ小旅行その2


Teaching how to" IKEJIME"

Day 2
I was already out on the shore from early morning on a boat departing from Coverack Bay. After our attempt to rod-fish mackerel failed miserably due to the unfortunate tide movement, we decided to haul in gill nets which had already been set in place the night before. Only one red mullet was netted which was my primary target, but luckily we also caught wrass, pollack and plaice which allowed me to demonstrate a special fish preserving technique mainly used in Japan. To equip local fishermen with this particular technique was one of my original aims of this trip. Willie, a dedicated, passionate and very skilled fisherman, who is also the owner of the boat, comprehended why it is important this is performed by front line fishermen, even through my clumsy English, and promised to continue practicing the method.

After returning to the ground, I watched other local fishermen hauling in nets and whenever I saw chances, demonstrated the same technique in front of them. I was overwhelmed by the interest everyone showed, despite it being a totally unfamiliar method. Dover sole, turbot, gurnard, spider crab, seeing all the fishes preserved almost as fresh as when they were alive was such an achievement. I returned to Dylan & Mutsuko's for dinner, where we had blanched spider crab, home-grown vegetable salad and my impromptu sashimi dish of Dover sole and gurnard. It was a truly supreme, blissful experience! 
二日目早朝、Coverack bay   から、漁師Willieの船で沖に出ました。長髪の似合う男前です。すでに夜中からGill net(刺し網)を仕掛けておいてくれ、まずはサバの手釣りを試みるものの、潮の動きが悪く、思わしくないため、網を上げることをしました。狙っていたRed Mullet1匹しかかからなかったものの、Wrasse(大きいベラ)やPollack, Place(カレイ)などがかかり、その場で活けジメの方法を伝えました。Willieは非常に熱心な釣り人で魚の扱いも優れており、私のつたない英語力でも活けジメの意味を理解してくれ、今後続けてくれると約束してくれました。
その後陸に戻り、後から戻ってくる漁師の水揚げを見ながら、その他の漁師にも活けジメを伝えました。皆、初めてのことですが非常に関心を持ってくれ、本当に嬉しく感じました。Doversolle Turbot , Gurnard SpiderCrubなど、まだ活きているような状態の魚ばかりでした。その後、Dylan Mutsukoさんのご自宅で夕食となり、茹でたてのSpider Crabと目の前の畑で栽培している野菜のサラダ、即席で私が作ったDoversoleGurnardの刺身で至福のひと時となりました。

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