I was summoned as a master chef at the biggest
culinary festival in Asia, “Would Gourmet Summit”,
held in Singapore.

The tasks given to me here were to hold a master class
on the first day and give a presentation, later to turn presented dishes into a
luncheon, as well as to serve Kaiseki course at Chinese restaurant “Tóng Lè Private Dining” 4days in a row from that night.
At the early stage of creating a menu, it came to my
attention that ingredients unattainable in London market would be available
although local fishes are unsuitable to be prepared raw. Consequently, I
decided to return to my origin and have seafood shipped from Japan, also in
means to make Japanese ingredients known.

After the Great East Japan Earthquake, I have always been concerned, as a fellow Japanese, for not taking further actions to support other than participating in charity events at London or eagerly promoting foods from Japan. To cast greater mission on myself, I set a theme called “Remember Tohoku”, and committed to use ingredients that are unique to Tohoku (Northeast Japan) and prepare its local cuisine with my spin on it – Sagohachizuke (pickled in Koji) with swordfish from Kesen-numa (region in Miyagi), Masu salmon from Tohoku thin-sliced frozen (known as Ru.Ipe) – to be included into the course.
Urakasumi, a sake brewery from Miyagi, sympathised with my take and joined in to supply sake while giving presentation on Tohoku’s current state, furthermore suggesting sake paring with the Kaiseki course at the restaurant. I was doubly grateful that their participation also led to coverage by Japanese media, allowing my view to be broadcasted and heard.
I have to admit, I naturally had a series of concerns at the beginning considering serving Kaiseki cuisine at a setting of Chinese restaurant, yet those were wiped off by welcoming smiles of staffs of “Tóng Lè Private Dining” and their profound wills to help. Their hospitality was both heartfelt and professional, having to prep together from early mornings and exhausting themselves with dinner services, and yet giving us a tour of many unmissable spots. Thanks to them, we got to experience and enjoy Singapore. 
Indifferently this time around, the event succeeded by the supports from uncountable number of people, I thanked all participants each and every day.

今回の私に与えられた課題は初日の昼にマスタークラスとしてのプレゼンテーションとそこで作る料理でのランチョン、その夜から4日間続けて中国料理店“Tóng Lè Private Dining ”での懐石料理の提供でした。

東日本大震災後、ロンドンで行ったチャリティーディナーや食材の積極利用以外なにも行っていないことは同じ日本人として、常に気になっていましたので、更に自分に課題を与えようとの食材を使って東北の郷土料理を私風にアレンジしたものを楽しんでもらおうと“Remember Tohoku”と題し、気仙沼産のメカジキを三五八漬けにしたものや、東北で獲れた桜鱒のルイベ料理を懐石の中に入れ込みました。

計画時点では中国料理店での懐石料理のサービスということもあり、不安が多くありましたが、“Tóng Lè Private Dining ”のスタッフは非常に協力的でいつも笑顔で私たちを心から暖かく迎え、手伝ってくれました。彼らの心づくしは本当にプロフェッショナルで、朝から一緒に仕込みをし、夜サービスが終わった後にはシンガポール中のいろいろなスポットに連れまわしてくれ、様々な楽しい経験をすることが出来ました。