Mr. Kazuya Ishida, a ceramic artist of Bizen, came to
visit the UK to participate in workshop at the University of Oxofrd, as well as
to prepare pieces to enter Ceramic Art London taking place in March. Aligning
with his work schedule in Devon, I rented a car to drive down together to
acquire materials for my pottery making.

A five and half hour journey from London, the usually
a long and lone trip to Cornwall, was enchanted by tales of the potter, and in
no time, we arrived at Nathaniel’s clay pit in St. Agnes. The historical mining
spot is located on a hill that overlooks the ocean, and Nathaniel is the 3rd
generation of soil mining business who currently operates alone to collect
ceramic clay and sands for building constructions. Moreover, Nathaniel is a
sole miner in the area of Cornwall and Devon, and coming to know him was a
fortunate event brought to me by Maddy, as I had previously used clay unknown
of its origin.
As the sunset closed in, we headed to Kigbeare Studio
& Gallery, a Maddy’s Home in Devon situated in a depth of a grove, at the
end of long drive through a country and woods; we barely found our way, only
had Kazuya’s memory to lead us.

Maddy’s studio is home to many ceramic artist and wood
craftsmen, and speaking of artists, a team led by Mr. Svend Bayer was
coincidently in the middle of Anagama (kiln) making on the site during my
visit. That night, we were served superb dinner prepared by all of Maddy’s
family members. A beef roast of an indigenous bleed of cow from the area, with
a side of assorted fresh vegetables, was cooked to perfection; it was a true
gastronomy of home. A natural and gentle sweetness of tart made with home-grown
berries was also exceptional.

The early-bird Kazuya was already up and about in the
woods when I woke up the next morning. After Maddy gave us a tour of studio, we
dug out clay from several mining points on the site. With morning frost, the
ground surface was frozen, however we managed to collect sufficient clay for
trials as we delved.
With a hearty bowl of soup to send me off, I said
farewell to The ‘Maddys’ and Kazuya who continued with his ceramic making, and
I moved closer to Exmoor to prepare for the following day.

The next day, I visited a producer of Exmoor Caviar,
the first and the only caviar farm in the UK, whose products are already
featured in great number of restaurants around London, only after few years of
its establishment. Harry, the Operations Director, rushed over, just in time,
to give me an introduction of the farm. Sturgeon, the source of caviar,
consumes plankton found in mud as its principle food, therefore the taste of
caviar significantly depends on the quality of water in the environment where
the sturgeon grows in; While many caviars from Europe bares unmistakably rustic
smell, the farm’s caviar is free from unattractive aromas, credits to abundant
spring water from Exmoor that sandwiches the plantation with its flows where
wild trout is seen swimming energetically in both strips of the river. The
harvested caviar is only cured and finished with natural Cornish sea salt, and
I was truly impressed by their standpoint towards sustainability of its natural
Potter’s clay from Cornwall and Devon, Cavier from
Exmoor, the world is still full of unique indigenous materials and ingredients
yet to be uncovered, and this trip had me realised once again the joy of such
art London出品のための作品製作のために渡英されました。彼のDevonでの活動にあわせ、レンタカーを借りて私の作陶に使う陶土の購入と採集に行きました。
ロンドンから5時間半、いつもCornwallに行く時は同じ道のりを一人でのドライブですが、今回は陶芸話が弾み、あっという間に陶土を採集しているNathaniel のClay pit、Cornwall のSt Agnesに到着しました。海の見える丘陵地に代々続く彼の採掘場はあり、彼は3代目で、陶土と建築などに使う砂を彼一人で採掘しているそうです。現在CornwallやDevonで陶土の採掘は彼のところだけで続けられているそうで、今まで産地不明の陶土を使っていた私にとって嬉しい出会いとなりました。彼を紹介してくれたMaddyさんに感謝です。
その後、夕暮れ迫る中、DevonにあるMaddyさんの家、Kigbeare Studios & Galleryに向かいました。Devonの田園と林道を走り続けた奥の奥にあり、和也君の記憶を頼りにようやくたどり着きました。