I went to
participate in The International Chef Showcase, a gourmet and wine festival
held in Macau, co-hosted by Michelin Asia and Robert Parker. Pairing up with a
local restaurant, my part in the event was to serve Kaiseki cuisine paired with
wine for 50 guests per day over the course of 4 days. The preparation began as
early as last summer; all factors imaginable are taken into consideration, from
arrangements of ingredients to a course of service.
The venue
was a branch of Tokyo’s renowned Tempura restaurant, Tenmasa, situated in
Altria Hotel. Both sides, the venue and myself, coming from Japanese restaurant
background allowed the planning to move forward smoothly from negotiation
Executive Chef Noguchi and Sous Chef Ishii, in fact all staff on site was very
helpful, and thanks to all the supports, event concluded with great success. We
could utilize Japanese fish and local ingredients which are unobtainable in UK,
and I was once again reminded of wide selection of ingredients and high
standard professionals available in Asia.
We received
a feedback from the Hotel side on insufficiency of total volume of food and had
to make an impromptu adjustment, which was a situation I faced for the first
time. Such experience had led me to realize a challenge to apprehend
characteristics of each nation, nonetheless conversing with each and every
guest gave me enormous and irreplaceable joy.
I would like
send big thanks to all guests, site staff and organizers of the event, and my
team for their contribution in the success of the event.
Asiaと Robert Parker共同主催のマカオでの料理とワインの祭典、The international chef showcaseに参加してきました。現地のレストランと共同で4日間、毎日50人前の懐石料理とワインペアリングをサービスするというイベントで、材料の打ち合わせからサービスに至るまで、昨年夏から準備を重ねてきました。
会場となったのはAltira hotel内にある東京の有名天麩羅店の支店、“天政”で、今回は同じ日本料理店ということもあり、交渉段階から非常にスムーズに行えました。